Isi ndekọ ọha
Jikọtara ngosi nke ndekọ niile dị Wikiquote. Ị nwere ike imebi echiche site na ịhọrọ ụdị ndekọ, aha njirimara (nke na-emetụta ikpe), ma ọ bụ ibe emetụtara (nwekwara mmetụta gbasara ikpe).
- 17:23, 22 Maachị 2023 Anthere ṅkátá mmetara created page Wanjuhi Njoroge (Jiri ' '''Wanjuhi Njoroge''' (born 1989) is a Kenyan entrepreneur and [w:activism|activist]], who campaigns against climate change. She calls for improvements to digital access and gender rights. She is a member of the African Women Leader's Network (AWLN). == Quotes == * ''There are many urgent issues, but I would narrow it down to two; climate change and quality leadership.''' :* Quote of Wanjuhi Njoroge in UN Women article, 14 June 2021 == External links == null|link=htt...' kere ihü) Tag: ndezi nke anya na-ele
- 12:42, 10 Ọktoba 2022 User account Anthere ṅkátá mmetara was created automatically