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Laura Ingalls Wilder

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Laura Ingalls Wilder

The real things haven't changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong.

Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder (7 February 186710 February 1957) bụ onye odee Amerika onye eji akwukwo ya akpọrọ Little House nke bu usoro akwụkwọ ụmụaka nke dabere na ntolite ya n'ezinụlọ mbụ ya.

See also:
Little House on the Prairie (TV series)

Ihe ndị Okwuru

  • Enweghị nnukwu mfu na-enweghị obere uru.
    • Ch. 9; Ma kwuru, mgbe Pa tufuru ọka ọka na blackbirds mana wetara ụfọdụ nnụnụ maka nri abalị.

Njikọ Mpuga
