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Katalin Karikó

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Katalin Karikó
ụdịekerenwanyị Dezie
mba o sịHungary, Njikota Obodo Amerika Dezie
aha n'asụsụ obodoKarikó Katalin Dezie
aha enyereKatalin Dezie
aha ezinụlọ yaKarikó Dezie
ụbọchị ọmụmụ ya17 Jenụwarị 1955 Dezie
Ebe ọmụmụSzolnok Dezie
nwaSusan Francia Dezie
Asụsụ obodoHungarian Dezie
asụsụ ọ na-asụ, na-ede ma ọ bụ were na-ebinye akaHungarian, Bekee Dezie
ọrụ ọ na-arụresearcher, biochemist, university teacher Dezie
ụdị ọrụ yamessenger RNA, biochemistry Dezie
onye were ọrụUniversity of Pennsylvania, BioNTech, Biological Research Centre, Temple University, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Dezie
ebe agụmakwụkwọMóricz Zsigmond Gimnázium és Közgazdasági Szakközépiskola, University of Szeged, University of Szeged Dezie
Ebe obibiPhiladelphia, Abington Township Dezie
Onye òtù nkeAcademia Europaea [The Academy of Europe], German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, American Academy of Arts and Sciences Dezie
webụsaịtịhttps://www.pennmedicine.org/providers/profile/katalin-kariko Dezie
has listlist of awards and honors received by Katalin Karikó Dezie

Katalin Karikó (amuru ya na 17 Jenuarị 1955) bu onye Hungarian biochemist bu ọkachamara n'usoro mgbasa ozi RNA. BioNTech na Moderna nyere teknụzụ a ikike imepụta ọgwụ mgbochi COVID-19 ha.

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