Catherine of Siena
Catherine of Siena

(March 25, 1347 & ndash; Eprel 29, 1380) bụ Dominican Tertiary (nke mmekọ) nke Dominican Order.
Ihe ndị o kwuru
[dezie]- Ụzọ nke eluigwe si n'eluigwe dị, ma ụzọ niile e si aga eluigwe bụ eluigwe.
- Ọ bụrụ na ị bụ ihe ị kwesịrị ịbụ, ị ga-esure Italy niile ọkụ, ọ bụghị naanị ebe ahụ.**(Letter 368 to Stefano Maconi)
- Original Italian: Se sarete quello che dovete essere, metterete fuoco in tutta Italia, non tanto costì. (Lettera 368 a Stefano Maconi)
- Variant versions:
- If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire!
- If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world ablaze! As quoted by Pope John Paul II in | an address to the Regnum Christi Movement and the Legionaries of Christ (4 January 2001)
- Also as quoted by Pope John Paul II in | The Closing Homily at World Youth Day, Tor Vergata, (Sunday 20 August 2000)
- Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.
- As quoted by Bishop Richard Chartres in his sermon to the Royal Wedding congregation at Westminster Abbey (29 April 2011)Templeeti:Fix cite
- Variant versions:
- Original Italian: Se sarete quello che dovete essere, metterete fuoco in tutta Italia, non tanto costì. (Lettera 368 a Stefano Maconi)
- Kwusaa eziokwu dị ka a ga-asị na ị nwere otu nde olu. Ọ bụ ịgba nkịtị na-egbu ụwa.**(quoted in Templeeti:Cite web)
- Variant versions:
- I see the world is rotten because of silence … speak the truth in a million voices. It is silence that kills. (quoted at 0:23 of Templeeti:Cite web)
- Original Italian: Oimé, non più tacere! Gridate con centomiglia di lingue. Veggo che, per lo tacere, el mondo è guasto, la Sposa di Cristo è impalidita (Lettera 16, "A uno grande prelato")
- lit.: "O alas, be silent no more! Shout with a hundred thousand tongues. I see that, through silence, the world is broken, the Bride of Christ is impaled"
- Variant versions:
Njikọ mpụga
[dezie]- EdemedeSaint Catherine of Siena Na Wikiquote bekee
- Templeeti:Gutenberg author
- "St. Catherine of Siena" by Edmund G. Gardner in The Catholic Encyclopedia (1908)
- Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin at EWTN
- Letters of Catherine from Gutenberg
- Saint Catherine of Siena: text with concordances and frequency list